Friday, May 4, 2012

Special interview by united nations web TV

Welcome to UNW TV News room meeting with Longlong Dear friends,Long Long now is working with Manhattan Symphonie Orchestra ( and  there is a recent special interview by united nations web TV of Longlong:  Thanks for your kind help and consideration.   各位朋友大家好:       龙龙现在为美国曼哈顿交响乐团的合作歌手,下面是联合国问国会对龙龙的采访,,       感谢您对我们工作的支持,祝您工作愉快! Posted by longlong at 6:59 PM 0 comments Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Gig in Hong Kong in August 2011

Hello, every one! 
I was invited to do an opening prolog for international music Jam for China Rough, Galaxy Group Macao in August in Central Hong Kong, it was supposed to put a lot Chinese spice in it, so I designed my red silky dress and did the Beijing opera style, with one word in Mandarin " Lai!" it means "come!", basically calling people together to start the show, I guess using a simple one world is easier for you to understand, learn while as lingering with the artistic Beijing Opera cadence. It is great experience for me!  I hope you like it.
Please Click:
here are some photos for the end of the show: I am the one in Zebra, I designed that one too!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Chinese Singer Sharon Xia Long Admired By New York Chinese Community
---China Press, 【6627th Edition: 20th March 2011】New York
Translated by Yiliu Shen-Burke

Recently in many of the celebrations organized by New York Chinese societies one frequently sees a young and versatile Chinese singer. She is beautiful, and her voice is even more enchanting. At every event her bright, magnetic voice conquers the listeners. Her improvised dancing completely absorbs the audience into her performance. Her a cappella version of the American national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner, is also stunning, showing off the unique qualities of her powerful voice. Her jazz performances have even won the admiration of local jazz musicians.

Sharon Xia Long received her Bachelor’s and Masters degrees in China and Europe, before immigrating to the US in 2008. Presently she is one of the gifted students studying at The Juilliard School.

This year’s Chinese Lunar Festival celebrations organized by the New York Fujianese Association were ever more festive because of the performance that Ms. Long and three American musicians gave. Standing at the center of the stage, she sang with her magical voice, while her musical style was both lively and cheerful. The instruments and backups singers perfectly supported Ms. Long’s resonant voice; the band exhibited a powerful synergy. Her singing and dancing were unconstrained and unfettered. Her dynamics were well controlled, drawing the audience into an intimate space around her. With just two pieces Ms. Long created an atmosphere that was humming with infective emotion. Some experts say that uniqueness of her style lies in the natural way in which she expresses her art without the artificiality typical of performance.

At Julliard, Ms. Long is a student of Professor Rodney Jones, from whom she is learning jazz improvisation. From the age of six, Mr. Jones himself was a student of the contemporary jazz masters Dizzy Gillepsie and John Lewis. He is also considered to be one of the best American guitarists. Mr. Jones has composed 152 pieces, and has worked and performed with many famous stars, including Madonna and Julio Iglesias.

Mr. Jones highly values Ms. Long’s talent and potential. He says that jazz improvisation mostly requires a natural inspiration. He added that Ms. Long has a uniquely infective influence: her entire being, every cell, is art. Mr. Jones says that he has rarely met a Chinese student like Ms. Long, who sings as soulfully as many American jazz singers. Nor does he often see Asian students who are so lively and open, who can confidently interact with others. In so many years, having worked with numerous talents and stars, and being a mature musician, Mr. Jones says that he has learned how to spot talent and genius. Furthermore, Mr. Jones believes that Ms. Long has the all the potential to become an international star: apart from her talent, she is generous, warmhearted, hardworking, and has a healthy sense of humor. She certainly has the requisite style and unique personality, as well as the capability and vigor.

Mr. Jones said that Madonna is a genius in entertainment, of which Ms. Long shares a certain aspect, but more importantly that Ms. Long has a golden heart and a golden voice. Her roots are not only in China, but also from all over the world. There is not a better time to be a Chinese artist on the world stage than right now. In addition, Ms. Long is talented at writing; Mr. Jones expressed a strong interest in turning some of her writing into the lyrics for future songs he wants to compose.

Professor Jones revealed that they are currently preparing to record Ms. Long’s album. From producing and composing, to recording, the album will be put together by Julliard musicians in order to ensure a world-class quality of production. Future sales will not be confined to Europe and the Americas, but will also include China. He says that if the final product is wrought meticulously, then intelligent and discerning Chinese listeners will immediately discover her, accept her and love her.

In this way, Sharon Xia Long might well become the first Chinese “golden voice” jazz singer to be produced through the cooperation of Juilliard musicians.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

CHINA PRESS: Sharon Xia Long Admired By Chinese Coming To New York

在茱莉亚音乐学院,龙霞拜罗德尼琼斯(Rodney Jones)教授为师,学习爵士即兴表演课。
她,就是龙霞(Sharon Long),在中国和欧洲获得中西方高等教育学士和硕士学位以后,2008年移民美国。目前在茱莉亚音乐学院深造,是该学院的高材生。
在茱莉亚音乐学院,龙霞拜罗德尼 琼斯(Rodney Jones)教授为师,学习爵士即兴表演课。琼斯6岁开始师从美国现代爵士鼻祖Dizzy Gillespie和 John Lewis,是美国最好的吉他手之一,作曲152首,与很多国际大牌明星合作和演出过,其中包括莎拉布莱曼,麦当娜,胡里奥,玛利亚凯瑞,克里斯汀娜安圭拉等。

Roll Out The Red Carpet; The Lady Xia Long Has Arrived.......

Hello, everyone and welcome to my first blog! These are the "Memoirs of the Lady Xia Long". Follow my posts as we explore the wonderful world of the Arts, Music, Style, and much more through Chinese eyes as you lend your eyes, ears, mind, and Soul to the mystical and hypnotic Passion of the Fine Arts! Love to all!

Chinese Dunhuang Hand Painted Cobblestone Mural Art-Flying Fairy